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Ecosystem Restoration - Presented By: LawSeminars.com
Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM CDT
Category: Outside Organization

 Ecosystem Restoration - Presented By: LawSeminars.com

Benefits of Attending: Ecosystem Restoration, aka Ecological Restoration, has grown in importance and will continue to grow in the future as federal, state, and local governments address environmental damage in a variety of contexts. In this timely program, we will address the innovative concepts and approaches that have emerged from the response to major natural resource damage events around the country. Deepwater Horizon was a galvanizing event and resulted in a number of technical, legal and programmatic lessons for planning restoration projects. You will have an opportunity to hear about those lessons from key players with technical, legal, and policy perspectives on those lessons.

We are pleased to have Congressman Garret Graves give a special address on how to let science, rather than politics, drive project selection. For example, how do you restore a coastal wetland when rising sea levels due to climate change will soon put the wetland under water. One solution is restoration banking, and you'll hear tips for effectively establishing restoration banks as way to move restoration more quickly and less expensively. An emerging new approach is to focus on Ecosystem Services rather than simply restoration as a way to facilitate more innovative settlements. The Gulf Coast restoration projects grew out of natural resource damage claims, but NRDA and other regulations are simply a starting point. You'll hear about emerging new drivers that address factors like climate change and Environmental Justice and that will enable you to expand your range of possible solutions. That is particularly true in light of new requirements to include environmental justice considerations. You'll hear about the new requirements and how they'll affect selection of remedies moving forward.



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