NAEP's State, Multi-State, and Regional U.S. Chapters

About the Chapters Committee

The Chapters Committee consists of chapter representatives to the NAEP and chapter presidents and is supported by a committee chair appointed by the NAEP Board of Directors. The committee meets once a month by phone and at the annual conference. The Chapters Committee works on activities common to all chapters and is a great opportunity to meet and interact with other environmental professionals across the country. All chapter leaders that are NAEP members are welcome to participate in committee meetings. Contact the Chapters Committee Chair to learn more about the committee and its activities.

Interested in joining a chapter?

You can join a local chapter directly through their website or when you sign up for NAEP membership! Just look for the Chapters section in the application formNote: To join the California AEP or Florida FAEP, please apply directly on their websites. 

Interested in starting a chapter in a state or area presently without one?

The NAEP would like to hear from you and can help. NAEP can provide its “start-up” kit, mentors that have recently completed the process in other states, contact information for other NAEP members and environmental professionals in your state, seed money, and more. Contact the Chapters Committee Chair or any Board member if you would like to assist in bringing a NAEP Chapter to your state or area.

Find a Chapter Near You

All NAEP Chapters

Alaska Arizona California Florida

Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois

Illinois AEP
Mid-Atlantic Minnesota North Carolina North Texas
Northwest Pennsylvania Rocky Mountians South Carolina
  South Carolina AEP Logo
South Texas  Tennessee  Texas  

Chapters by Region

Western Chapters

Alaska  |  Arizona  |  California  |  Hawaii  | IdahoNorthwest

Central Chapters

Illinois  |  Minnesota  

Southern Chapters

Florida  |  Georgia  |  North Carolina  |  North Texas  |  South Texas  | South Carolina |  Texas  |  Tennessee

Eastern Chapters

Mid-Atlantic Region  |  Pennsylvania