John DaughertyA grad John invited to talk to current students told him about the NAEP. He applied and got a call from Norm Arnold inviting him to run for the Board of Directors. He went to D.C. and talked with Norm and Chuck Zirzow, and things went from there. John Daugherty was elected in what he believes was the first general membership election of Board members and was part of a group that replaced some of the original Board members. At that time, the Board consisted of 6 at-large elected members and the Chapter Rep from MD. John served on the Board for 27 years, 7 as treasurer, 1 as vice president and 2 as president. In 1990, John Daugherty and his wife, Nancy, were part of the NAEP's People to People delegation to the U.S.S.R. Nancy is in Health Physics, radiation protection, and met with people about the Chernobyl accident. John presented a paper on Environmental Education to the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. John has served ~30 years as the publications committee chair, helping to initiate The Environmental Professional and Environmental Practice. He edited the NAEP News for 8 years; was one of the 2 co-chairs for the 1982 Washington and 1985 Denver Conferences; worked on the permanent conference committee for many years and worked on the program for a number of conferences; and he created/edited the first Abstracts Volume, following that up with the first Conference Proceedings, and proceeded with that from hard copy to CD to thumb drive. John set up the Student Chapter process and helped the Environmental Resource Management Club at Penn State become the first NAEP Student Chapter. When the decision was made to separate the certification program into an independent organization, he was one of the trustees for that process. On the military side of things, John Daugherty enlisted the day before his draft notice was due in April '69. Basic (Inf), AIT (Engr), and OCS (Inf) training were most of the first year. He spent a year at Fort Benning and a year in Korea, mostly on the DMZ. During grad school, John was with B Co, 244th Engr (Heavy Construction), at Penn State he was with the 1st Bn, 314th Inf (Mech), and back in CO, he was with the 1st Maneuver Training Command. John's last assignment was as the Commander of the 6404th Reinforcement Training Unit. NAEP related work with the Army included preparing supplemental EIS's for unit summer camps for many years. John's non-military experience started at Penn State in 75 as a post-doc. He moved onto the faculty in 76, became Chair of the Environmental Resource Management program in 77, and left when he had an opportunity to return to CO in 81/82. John then worked in severe weather research for the National Severe Storms Laboratory in NOAA. Yup, one of those crazy people who fly around in the NOAA P-3D aircraft measuring and studying severe weather up close and personal. That took John all over the U.S., Europe, Canada, Ireland, the U.K., and the Solomon Islands on research projects. And he thought it was pretty cool to spend some months living in Carmel by the Sea on 2 occasions, working the winter storms off the CA coast, and being able to go to the Hog's Breath and get served by the one-time mayor of the town, Clint Eastwood. Even if he did call John a wimp since he wouldn't drink anything with alcohol in it. John got his BS in Botany at the U of MD in Jan '69, spent 3 years on active duty in the Army, and started grad school at CO State U in Remote Sensing, in Jan '72. He completed my MS in Aug '73 and PhD in Aug '75. While working for NOAA, John attended Metro State to get himself up to speed in Meteorology. John's personal interests still include fly fishing and backpacking. Motorcycle touring has been replaced by trips in a Class B RV. Nancy and John volunteer at the Heritage and Research Center at Yellowstone National Park most years in late fall/early winter. John assists with "heavy lifting" volunteer work at the Lafayette Library and Senior Center and is active with the Military Officers Association and the senior centers in Lafayette and Boulder. John Daugherty's NAEP involvement includes work with the Fellows Committee. He recently initiated the process of setting up the Arnold Award. He's been to almost 40 conferences so far, including the one at the Marriott Hotel in the D.C. area where Ed Muskie was one of the keynote speakers. At the conferences, John tries to interact with the newer members and exhibitors and to offer a historical perspective to current Board members and to members of a number of committees, plus attend tours, sessions, and papers of interest. |